Farm To School Video
Check out the amazing Farm to School Video produced by SDSU Extension. We were one of three school in the state chosen to highlight the farm to school program.
Academic Olympics
Academic Olympics were held on April 17th at Dupree. Congratulations to Abigayle Thompson 4th place Senior Math 4th place Senior English
Our Mission and Vision
Bison School District holds the vision to promote a healthy environment fostering academic growth, instilling pride in rural community, and inspiring responsible life long learners as citizens of a global world.
Updated Back to School Plan
Click here to learn more about Bison's Safe Return to In Person Instruction Plan.
Covid Information Center
Parents must complete a daily symptom screening check by answering these questions before sending their child to school.
2024-25 Yearly Calendar
Featured Video
about our Students
The Bison School District is located in the northwestern corner of South Dakota. It is a K-12 school, in a rural farming and ranching community. We have about 140 students K-12 and completed our new facility in 2018. The town of Bison itself is about one square mile. It was established in 1908 and Bison is the county seat. The Bison school district covers an area of approximately 1000 square miles. We have three bus routes that go out and bring our students to school each day. We currently have one class at each grade level K-6 and our junior high and high school have one teacher per content area. Our students participate in numerous activities and strive to get the most out of their academic experience. A humorous side note: Perkins County is called the McFarthest spot in the continental United States from a McDonalds.

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